Join The Club.
Join The Club.
Become a Member to unlock exclusive access to savings. Enjoy benefits like priority appointment times, early access to events, special offers, product samples, and new releases!
Monthly Membership Options:
The Beauty Bank:
Like a savings account for your face, this money is banked in your client wallet to spend on anything you want from services to product!
The Gold Club:
Get exclusive discounts and early access to sales, new products etc!
10% off wrinkle treatments (Botox, Jeuveau, Dysport)
10% off filler or other injectable treatments
20% off facials or laser services
10% off product
20% off product for your birthday month!
The Platinum Club:
Get exclusive discounts and early access to sales, new products etc!
1 free facial per month
20% off wrinkle treatments (Botox, Jeuveau, Dysport)
20% off filler or other injectable treatments
20% off facials or laser services
20% off product
Special offers for your birthday month!